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Below a selection of the new features and improvements of the flixo version 6:
•Psi-Value tool with plenty of new application possibilities, an optimized visualization of the Psi-value results with automatic measurements and display of the calculation formulas, graphical representation of the reference point
•Psi Joint Value calculation according to EN ISO 12631
•Spacer or Edge Psi-Value calculation according to EN ISO 10077-2
•Psi-Value calculation with 3 Constructions (e.g. Psi-value of a specific window - wall junction )
•Key values for the calculation of the Psi-value can manually be adjusted in the Properties flyout, the heat flow can be defined as a component key value (e.g. for the Psi-value calculation for base)
•U Joint Value calculation according to EN ISO 12631
•Equivalent U-Value with formulas and help objects comparable to the frame U-value
•The frame dimension calculation for the Frame U-Value and Joint U-Value can be based on the projection of the colder or the warmer side or on the bigger of the two sides
•For Frame U-Value and Joint U-Value objects the reference points for determining the frame dimension can be moved by the Select, Move, Scale tool
•Linear shaped heat sources or sinks
•Screws according to EN ISO 12631: new 3-dimensional equivalent object with an automatic calculation of the equivalent conductance and air cavities, the 3-dimensional equivalent object can also have a rectangular cross section
•Averaged surface properties of cavities can either be adjusted like before directly to the cavity material or newly be calculated by flixo for the 4 main directions based on the current surface properties
•Cavity surface properties can either be set directly with the Boundary Condition tool or automatically assigned by the Cavity EN ISO 10077-2 tool based on the material emissivities table
•Beside the condensation zone flixo can highlight zones where the humidity exceed the critical surface humidity
•If desired materials can be assigned automatically to the domains based on the layer assignment in the DXF file
•It's possible to convert only a partial part of a DXF file (cf. Crop tool)
•Accelerated deletion of lines and polylines
•Optionally DXF layers which are marked as hidden in the DXF file can be ignored, if they should be imported they are initially hidden in flixo too and not visible
•Zoom possibilities for layer preview
•The DXF object 3DFACE gets recognized and imported
•Tools to create new objects like flow objects etc. can be configured as Multiple Use tool or as Simple Use tool
•For tools which create new objects, the Select, Move, Scale tool can temporarily be activated by pressing the Alt key, after releasing the Alt key the previous tool is active again
•The Select, Move, Scale tool inherit additionally all functions of the Edit tool from the previous versions, the Edit Tool is obsolete
•Most of the properties from the selected objects can be adjusted directly in the Properties flyout like e.g. the Result object
•Document flyout in order to search and manage the flixo documents, documents of the version 6 have a preview
•Message bar with comments and contextual commands above the document window, the zoom to conflict tool is replaced by specific message bars
•The commands Calculate and Batch Calculations... are moved to the menu File
•The polylines of the set boundary conditions can be displayed optionally as a preview, the display occurs time delayed without influencing the continuation of the work
•Cutting regions can be limited to selected objects
•The applied boundary conditions on Glazing objects remain also after editing the settings in the dialog window
•Display of the total width of the Glazing object in the dialog window
•The calculation of the construction can also be started on the report pages
•When copying an object the surface temperatures of a Min./Max. Temperature object are copied into the clipboard in CSV format and can for example be inserted in a table calculation program with the menu command Edit.Insert Content and additionally be displayed as a diagram
•Beside the orthogonal dimension also coordinate dimension can be created by the Dimension tool
•Components can be displayed filtered similar to the materials in the Component flyout
•True lengths of surface lines are displayed for the Min./Max. Temperature object and Heat Flow object in the Properties flyout
•The capture spots on defining the boundary conditions can be limited to vertices with change of direction
•Additional key values of surface temperatures can be displayed individually (cf. Min./Max. Temperature style and Temperature style), the places after decimal point can be configured for the fRsi-value if the temperature is not displayed
•The places after decimal point from material and boundary condition entries can be configured in the Table Legends style, optionally instead of the name the use type name can be used in the column legend
•Creating new entries (like materials, boundary conditions etc.) by selecting the entry <New> in the drop-down list
•Several flixo files can be selected and opened with File Open dialog window
•Boundary Conditions can be shown in the report pages with the same line widths like in the model, the set up is done in the Result Object Style dialog window
•DXF files can be dragged into the application window and imported automatically
•Isotherms can be exported as DXF file too