<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Isotherms Style |
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This style is used when you have isotherms displayed. You can edit both the graphical aspects of the isotherms as well as the isotherm separation. You can also define isotherms with special temperatures.
Name |
Here, you define the name of the style. You cannot leave this field empty; the chosen name must be unique, i.e. not identical to another existing name. Aside from these limitations, you are free to choose any name. |
Isotherms |
Here, you determine which isotherms will be displayed: Show regular isotherms: Isotherms with regular isotherm separation will be displayed. The properties of this type of isotherm can be set in the Regular tab. Show special isotherms: Isotherms with freely definable temperatures will be displayed. The temperatures and the properties of this type of isotherm can be set in the Special tab. Show regular and special isotherms: Both the aforementioned regular and special isotherm types will be displayed. The characteristics of these isotherms can be set in the corresponding tabs. |
Isotherm labels |
Here, you determine whether the isotherms should be labeled or not. |
Label distance |
Here, you can define an additional label separation distance. |
Places after decimal point |
Number of post decimal place holders in the isotherm label, which are to be shown. |
Thousands delimiter |
The digits left of the decimal point will be grouped into thousands. |
Show units |
The appropriate units will be shown after each numerical value. The units can be adjusted in the Units tab of the Options dialog window. |
First Temperature |
The calculation of all other regular isotherms is based on this temperature. That means that all regular isotherms, along with the defined isotherm separation distance, are defined based on this temperature. This temperature determines at what point flixo displays isotherms. The first temperature is displayed, and then all others are shown at the "Highlighted Line" period. |
Temperature step |
With this setting, you can define the isotherm temperature difference distance of two regular isotherms. Changing the isotherm separation distance affects all of the regular isotherms of the result object, which use this style. |
Regular Line |
This setting group determines the properties of regular isotherm lines (color, style, size and type). Note that some of the lines cannot be shown when their thickness exceeds 0.394 mm. |
Highlighted Isotherms |
To make isotherm lines more legible, you can highlight every n-th isotherm by determining special properties. The specific settings of the highlighted isotherms (color, style, thickness) are set in the "Highlighted Line" frame. |
Highlighted Line |
This setting group determines the properties of highlighted isotherm lines (color, style, size and type). Note that some of the lines cannot be shown when their thickness exceeds 0.394 mm. |
Temperatures |
Here, you can define the temperatures of special isotherms. All special temperatures are shown in the list. A temperature will only be added after you click on the Add button. A temperature will only be changed after clicking the Update button. |
Art |
In this setting group, you can define the graphical properties of special isotherms. You can either use the properties of the regular or highlighted isotherms (cf. Regular tab). Alternatively, a special user-defined style can be selected, which you can define in the Style group below. The settings will only be applied after clicking on Add or Update. |
Style |
This setting group determines the properties (color, thickness, type, style) of the special user-defined isotherms. The temperature corresponds to the appropriate edit field. The settings will only be applied after you click on Add or Update. Note that some of the lines cannot be shown when their thickness exceeds 0.394 mm. |
Add |
Adds a new special isotherm to the list. The temperature is taken from the edit field and the style, from the settings described above, is applied. |
Update |
Changes the settings of a special isotherm. The temperature is taken from the edit field and the style, from the settings described above, is applied. |
Delete |
Deletes the special isotherm selected in the edit field. |
Clear All |
Deletes the isotherm selected in the edit field. |