For energy planning and consulting


helps you to complete energy performance certificates like GEG, SIA 380/1, Energy Passport et al.. flixo energy addresses to architects, planners, domestic energy assessors and building physicists.

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Thermal bridges for energy performance certification

Detailed assessment of thermal bridges for energy performance certificates like GEG, SIA 380/1, Energy Passport et al..

You can transfer the Psi value to any energy performance certification software.

Calculate the Psi value with just a few clicks

Simple calculation of U and Psi values by means of mouse clicks and display of results with all underlying dimensions, parameters and formulas.

Identify mold risk

Analysis of air humidity and lowest surface temperature to determine the risk for mold.

Examples of DIN 4108, Supplement 2

Contains all examples of DIN 4108, supplement 2 for the proof of equivalence.

Simple customization of layer thicknesses, adding or omitting of layers, change of materials and boundary conditions.

DXF Import

Direct import of sections from all CAD programs, taking into account the layer properties.

Optimize thermal bridges

With flixo energy thermal bridges can be detected at the planning stage already and eliminated by changes to the design.

Consequently, structural damage will be prevented and heating energy will also be saved.