Cavity Wizard

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Cavity Wizard

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These settings determine the standard properties of the Cavity Wizard.


Unventilated cavities

Name of the unventilated cavity material according to EN ISO 10077-2, which is used by the cavity wizard to create unventilated cavities. If the material is not present in the document, you will be prompted to choose or newly define a material in a corresponding dialog window.

This setting is dependent on the User Interface language.

Slightly ventilated cavities

Name of the slightly ventilated cavity material according to EN ISO 10077-2, which is used by the cavity wizard to create slightly ventilated cavities. If the material is not present in the document, you will be prompted to choose or newly define a material in a corresponding dialog window.

This setting is dependent on the User Interface language.

Fill small domains with "critical material"

If the option is marked, small cavities (see also Special Materials) will be assigned this "critical material", rather than the unventilated cavity material. In a later step, these cavities will automatically be assigned the neighboring material.

Default Name

Prefix for the names of the automatically created radiation surface properties.

This setting depends on the User Interface language.