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Get the trial version and work during 30 days for free. With our tutorials, you can also learn how to use the program.

Trial version

All flixo versions has the same user interface and handling. Depending on the version some functions aren't available (see Versions compared).

flixo trial has the same functionality than flixo pro with following exception:

  • simplified cavity model instead of the cavity models according to EN ISO 10077-2:2017

flixo trial can be launched only locally installed on a computer. Terminal sessions (like remote desktop access) or virtual environments aren't supported contrary to the other flixo versions. If you intend run the software on Mac with ARM CPU and Parallels, please contact trial@infomind.ch.


Download form

Please filling out the form completely. Access to the flixo trial version will be provided to the email address specified. If you do not receive the corresponding email within 5 minutes of completing the form, please also check the spam folder of your email app.

Download Form

flixo Trial Request

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